I am a PhD candidate at University College London working on new methods to understand the 3D structure of early human embryos during IVF treatment . This is tricky in a clinical setting because most 3D imaging methods are either too expensive to use in routine practice or risk damaging the embryo . My research focuses on the development of AI techniques to build 3D reconstructions of embryos from microscopy data routinely collected at fertility clinics. These techniques can then be used to identify new non-invasive biologically-grounded markers for embryo viability and genetics .

timelapse video of embyro developing

I am also very interested in developing inclusive reproductive healthcare services for LGBTQ+ populations. I am working with fertility care providers to devise ways to better connect with and meet the needs of patients from the queer community .

In previous lives, I've grappled with

  • bees

  • safe reinforcement learning

  • computational argumentation

  • diversity, equity and inclusion

  • maritime defence and surveillance

  • game development